viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Nuevo Ballet Español - Sangre Flamenca comes to Athens

Can jazz be combined with gypsy dance rhythms? Can the flawless movement and synchronism of classical ballet mix with the spontaneity of flamenco? In their new production, Sangre Flamenca, choreographers Angel Rojas and Carlos Rodríguez, the founders of Nuevo Ballet Español, present a passionate panorama of flamenco rhythms incorporating modern and traditional artistry. Don't miss this celebration of flamenco at the Badminton Theatre in Athens from 5 to 10 May.
Duets and solos, both male and female, and the entire Nuevo Ballet Español Company perform bulerías, tangos, zapateado, jaleos and martinets as part of the Athens programme. Sangre Flamenca showcases the versatility of the 11 young dancers - five women and six men - who excel in flamenco, classical Spanish and contemporary dance. Costumes designed for each choreography harmonise the show's impressive staging.
The group Mahera, who have accompanied all Nuevo Ballet Español's productions, composed and perform the music for Sangre Flamenca. The group includes violin, cello, flute, two guitars, two cantaores and percussion, with the addition of special guest percussionist Diego "El Negro" Álvarez and the cantaora María del Mar Fernández.